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seen in Mauch Chunk
This collection of photos - taken from the
web and books - illustrate which classes, and indeed which examples of these
classes, were operating in Mauch Chunk from the late 1930s to the late 1950s. Links are to the photos on
the original sites - if you own these photos and want the accreditation
altered or even the photo removed, please contact us and we will do so
Mikado 2-8-2s
Mikados were the main freight haulers prior to the introduction
of diesel cab units in the late 1940s. After that they were more usually seen
hauling coal trains and many survived at Mauch Chunk into the early 1950s.
M2as #890 M2/3?
Black Diamonds to Tidewater (c1925) Black Diamonds to Tidewater (c1950)
from Frank Revitt (1951)
photo: John J. Bowman, Jr.
M3a #909
NE Railfan Net (1943)
photo: Jim Benny
Consolidation 2-8-0 cb
2-8-0 and 4-8-0 camelback locomotives (classes I and K
respectively) were drag-freight haulers pulling mainly coal trains in the
earlier period. As the more powerful Mikados took over much of the coal
haulage, they took over switching roles in the Mauch Chunk yard and surrounding
coal branch lines. By the late 1940s, most had disappeared.
I6as #656

Black Diamonds to Tidewater
photo: Robert F. Morris BF
Twelve Wheeler 4-8-0 cb
K1as #480
K1as #446 K1as #450

Black Diamonds to Tidewater
NE Railfan Net (1945)
NE Railfan Net (1938)
Pacific 4-6-0
In the steam era, the G3/4 pacifics hauled the through express
passenger services while the less powerful G1/2 pacifics hauled the trains
terminating at Mauch Chunk. When the through services were stopped, the G3/4
pacifics took over the Mauch Chunk terminating trains. They were replaced by
Baldwin double-enders in 1947.
G4s #810
G4s #812

Black Diamonds to Tidewater
from Paul Rice
NE Railfan Net
photo: Bob Fischer
photo: Bob Redden
G1s #824
G1s #824

NE Railfan Net
originally from
photo: Bob Redden
Glyn Thomas's MC site
Freight Cab units
After 1947, freight cab units from EMD and Baldwin (the
DR4-4-1500) took over most of the freight from the Mikados. They ran mainly in
A-B-B-A formation through Mauch Chunk so that they could get over the mountains
without helpers.

"Jersey Central Lines in Color - Vol 2"
originally from
Glyn Thomas's MC site
Passenger Cab units
In 1947, the unique double ended passenger freight units from
Baldwin took over passenger services to Mauch Chunk from the Pacifics, although
this service was soon terminated.
Baldwin DR 6-4-2000 type 2

originally from Glyn Thomas's MC site
Alco Road Switchers
After 1950, Alco road switchers - in particular RS-3 and
RSD-4 models took over from the Mikados at Mauch Chunk
where they were used for switching and (in multiple units) for road hauling
RS3 #1540
RS3 #1541
Diamonds to Tidewater (1966)
"Jersey Central Lines in Color - Vol 2"
"Anthracite Country Color"
photo: A W Kovacs
RSD4/5 #1609 RSD4/5 #1604

"Anthracite Country Color"
"Anthracite Country Color"
EMD Switchers
Steam switching survived in the Mauch Chunk yard into the early
1950s when EMD SW-7 and SW-9s where introduced and rapidly took over all
switching duties there. Other makers' diesel switchers were not found here.
SW7 #1082
SW7 #1083
SW9 #1085
originally from
Fallen Flags
Black Diamonds to Tidewater (1966)
Glyn Thomas's MC site
photo: David Nyce
photo: A W Kovacs
SW9 #1085
SW9 #1093
SW9 #1088

Fallen Flags
(1957) Fallen Flags
Fallen Flags (1968)
photo: David Nyce
RDC #551

from Paul Rice