The CNJ - Central Railroad of New Jersey

carried commuters, longer-distance travellers, freight and coal
and ran out of New Jersey and into
Pennsylvania. It is particularly notable for its extensive use of "camelback"
steam locomotives right through into the 1950s, when most railroads had abandoned them
- see the
Steam page for details.
There are good text introductions to the CNJ at the
following sites:
Central Railroad of New Jersey Information
Rails - Central of New Jersey History
CNJ page - National
Railroad Historical Society
This section contains information about
all CNJ books and DVD/videos (CNJ Books)
and links to other CNJ and anthracite railroad websites
(CNJ Links).

The sections on
Steam and
Diesel look at the locomotives running on the CNJ in the
1940s and 50s.
From both pages you can access tables
of the locomotives grouped by class; the steam section also
has tables of the numbers surviving in given years and gives access to "profile
pages" (click here for an example);
the diesel section also has a section dedicated to the paint schemes the diesels
were painted in.
Freight page is still under development.