Steam Locomotives of the CNJ >
Steam Class | Steam by Year | nos_&_dates
passenger services were pulled by a fleet of mainly 4-6-0 camelbacks, with the
assistance of some tank locos, and long distance passenger trains by a small
fleet of 4-6-2 rear-cab pacifics. Coal trains were switched and pulled by 2-8-0 and
4-8-0 camelbacks. Switching on the CNJ was managed by a mix of rear-cab
and camelback 0-6-0 and 0-8-0s. The largest steam locomotive the CNJ ran was the 2-8-2 rear-cab heavy mikado, which pulled the fast freights
and later the slow freights when diesels started to take over.
Almost all of these classes had Wooten fireboxes to burn a mix of anthracite
These pages include tables of all the steam locomotive types that ran
on the CNJ in the 1940s and early 50s - and the tables also
provide access to profiles of each type of locomotive. To
simplify the picture we have grouped the locomotive classes according to appearance - but without losing
any of the detail. The last table (no.s &
dates) lists
each locomotive by number and shows
the years it was running. A summary table
at the bottom of this page shows how many camelback and rear cab locos
there were left in 1940.
More Details:
See the Steam
Locomotive.com website for a
of camelback locomotives. For CNJ steam photos go the the North East
Rails website and in particular: CNJ
Steam Roster 1-599; CNJ Steam Roster 600-999; and more CNJ
steam photos . The Fallen Flags CNJ page, although having more photos of
diesels, also includes some of steam locomotives.
In books, the most comprehensive coverage of CNJ steam can be found in Robert
Fischer's "The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey Steam Motive Power
1935-1956" and the new, much improved (2nd)
edition of Victor Roseman's "Central
Railroad of New Jersey Steam Locomotive Planbook, Postwar Power (c.1945 - 1954)"
with photos and plans (in HO scale)
of all the steam classes. The enthusiast may also want
to reference Crater & Owen's "Locomotives of
the Jersey Central. 1 - 999" with details of each locomotive. Bert
Pennypacker's "Jersey Central Steam: In Color" covers all steam
classes and Bernet's "The Hard Coal Carriers: Volume 2: Camelback Twilight"
covers the 4-4-2 and 4-6-0 passenger camelbacks . The "Jersey Central Lines
in Color" series (vol.s 1-3) also have many steam photos in amongst the
diesels. Go to our
CNJ Books
page for more details.
Summary Table:
Gives the numbers of each class running in 1940 - listed by wheel arrangement and
distinguishing only camelbacks from rear-cabbed locos.